
SEO And Web Design For 2023: How To Level Up Your Game

November 14, 2022 Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and web design aim to give visitors what they want, leading to your business’s success. To break it down further, SEO aims at helping your site to rank higher on search engine result pages. And once visitors land on your site, its design helps them find the information they want without undue strain. SEO and web design are, thus, interrelated, and you can’t separate one from the other.  

As 2023 approaches, businesses are waiting with bated breath regarding new developments in search engine algorithms. They occur now and then, sometimes throwing the big wigs out of the picture and elevating little-known sites. However, some ranking parameters have been held for several years and will still count in this forthcoming year. With that in mind, here’s how to level up your game come 2023.

1. Outsource To Professional Designers

There’s only so much you can handle as an entrepreneur. You already have so much on your plate, from developing your product to managing your team, interacting with customers, and liaising with authorities. Thus, you may not have the time and energy to get into the nitty-gritty of SEO and web design. 

Attempting to handle every business aspect by yourself may yield subpar results, especially in areas where you don’t have expertise. Thus, a more guaranteed solution is to look for Qualified SEO work by reliable companies and try implementing the same on your site. You’ll significantly fast-track your SEO journey and web design process. 

2. Dig Deeper Into User Experience

User experience is almost becoming a cliche in the digital lanes, but it’s not time to stop emphasizing its importance. And that’s especially true considering how impatient the average web user has become. With so many options, no web user will bear with a slow-loading site or one with dozens of popups. They’ll close the page and head off to your competitors with better sites. Thus, improving user experience is paramount. You can do this by:

  • Using lots of white space to give your web visitors a much-needed visual break. Surrounding content with too many ads and popups decreases user attention. 
  • Optimizing page loading speeds to 0-2 seconds. Three seconds is also acceptable, but anything beyond that is a no-no.
  • Using visual cues to differentiate hyperlinks, so users can quickly identify and click on them.
  • Breaking vital information into lists to enable visitors to get the information they’re after quickly.
  • Using compelling but non-click-bait titles and subheadings.
  • Matching the coloring, spacing, illustration styles, font types, and design elements of different web pages for consistency.
  • Eliminating 404 errors (page not found).
  • Using only relevant images.
  • Using tremendous and visually impactful calls to action.

By all means, your web visitors shouldn’t get annoyed and leave with a bad taste in their mouths. Your website is like your storefront, and you must constantly spruce it up to offer the best experiences. Let your visitors desire to come back for more. 

3. Optimize Your Site For Voice Search

Voice search is yet another trend redefining the norms; you wouldn’t want to be left behind. Web users are using it more than ever, and the trend will likely hold in 2023. It’s far much quicker than typing a query into the search bar. Moreover, it’s interactive, and that’s what the current generation desires. So, don’t underestimate the need to optimize your site for voice search. Here are some tips to help you in voice search optimization:

  • Use long-tail keywords mimicking the exact words a person would speak when looking for information.
  • Create and constantly update your Google My Business Page to enable potential customers to find your firm’s location.
  • Add premium quality media to your site to give web crawlers enough hints about your site.
  • Answer everyday questions users will likely ask.
  • Create voice-search-friendly content that’s conversational and easy to read.
  • Cover all the basics of regular SEO, and you’ll do well in voice search too.

Optimizing voice search can level up your game with those tips mentioned above. With that, you’ll blend with the current trends in technologies, allowing your business to advance in 2023.

4. Study Color

It’s not enough for a website to be pretty. Don’t make the mistake of picking a color scheme for your site for the mere reason you like it. There’s a lot that goes into color selection. Remember, color inspires mood and can influence the purchase decisions of your guests. So, do an in-depth study on color and determine what works for your business niche. 

Cover aspects like color harmony and theory. Go beyond that and experiment with different devices and operating systems to see how your chosen set of colors renders. Such thoroughness aims to cater to all potential clients with varying browsing characteristics.

5. Understand Your Audience

Web users like it when they come across sites and content that speak to them at a personal level. They feel addressed adequately, sparking an emotional connection that compels them to buy from you. However, such a level of connection doesn’t come easily. It’s a product of extensive analysis of who your target audience is.

Embark on a journey to know your ideal customer’s age, location, gender, fears, economic class, purchasing habits, likes, dislikes, culture, religion, and beliefs. Such demographics and psychographics help you curate content that adequately addresses their problems. Furthermore, you can tweak your site design to appeal to your target audience’s taste. A site targeted at business executives will definitely look different from a fashion blog targeted at teens. You must pull together all site components to fit your prospects’ desires perfectly.

6. Improve Mobile-Friendliness

Mobile searches have overtaken those on laptops and desktop computers, commanding 60% of total online searches. Thus, your site must be mobile-friendly if you want it to rank highly on search engines. Use these tips:

  • Choose a mobile-responsive theme.
  • Compress images to make them as light as possible.
  • Use an easy-to-read font that renders perfectly on mobile devices.
  • Do away with popups which can cover the entire smartphone screen and annoy your visitors.
  • Don’t use Flash, as it’s generally not supported by mobile devices.
  • Test all buttons on mobile to ensure they’re not out of place.

Making your site mobile-friendly satisfies the interests of the larger population of web users who use their smartphones to look for information online.


2023 comes with new expectations from web users, and you must adjust accordingly. In such an advanced age of technological development, web visitors expect exceptional quality standards, and they won’t settle for less. So, improve your site and SEO strategy using the above tips, and you’ll have captured your prospects’ imagination.